Performance Level: IS:3065-1985 (reaffirmed 1995) type III Grade 2 specification. AQUAL Cut CS contain sulpherized and chlorinated additives which enable the use of these oils for extreme pressure at low or moderate temperature cutting operations where feed rates are high but speeds are low. They provide excellent performance in all machining operations on non-ferrous metals. AQUAL Cut SF are inactive type neat cutting oils and contain sulpherized fatty material to give better surface finish and longer cutting tool life over a wide range of operating temperature. They are recommended for machining operations of high tensile stainless steel as well as nickel-chromium alloys. AQUAL Cut CV is superior quality neat cutting oil containing chlorinated and fatty additives which reduces tool wear and improves machinibility. This oil prevents premature regrinding of tools and does not discolor the component. It is ideally suitable for multi tool setups on automats where a variety of operations are performed on ferrous and non-ferrous metals. AQUAL Cut OL is special purpose non-staining type neat cutting oil having very high oiliness properties. This oil has excellent foam release ability and its use prevent overheating of work-piece thus eliminating chances of metal distortion. These oils can be used for both ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Technical Specifications:Product | Kinematic Viscosity @ 40ºC,cSt | Flash Point ºC, Min |
AQUAL Cut CS | 30 to 36 | 160 |
AQUAL Cut SF | 25 to 35 | 160 |
AQUAL Cut CV | 19 to 25 | 160 |
AQUAL Cut OL | 44 to 50 | 170 |
AQUAL S CUT 48 is a neat cutting oil which is used for machining of indicate shapes with high precision. It is a low viscosity product designed especially for operations such as deep hole drilling and deep hole boring where pressurized delivery of the cutting fluid is required to clear fine swarf effectively. It is also suitable for certain honing operations. Additives enable the use of these oils for extreme pressure at low or moderate temperature cutting operations. It has extra fluidity to ensure quick and thorough flushing action and very good surface finish. Technical Specifications:Characteristics | AQUAL S CUT 48 |
Viscosity Index | 95 |
Kinematic Viscosity @ 40ºC,cSt | 11 to 15 |
Flash Point ºC, Min | 150 |
Pour point ºC | -3 |