Transformer Oil

Aqual Quench 1

Aqual Quench 1 is a general purpose quenching oil blended from high VI base stocks having good oxidation stability, good fluidity and low volatility. This oil is used for normal quenching operations on a wide variety of steel parts such as nuts & bolts, ball bearing etc.
Characteristics Result
Kinematic Viscosity @ 40ºC 27-33
VI min. 90
Flash Point, ºC min 195

Aqual Quench C1

Aqual Quench C1, In addition to the properties of quench 1, it is incorporated with a polar additive to impart accelerated quenching properties to the oil so as to meet certain specific requirements. The oil is suitable for hardening of a variety of high-speed steel tools and other components.
Characteristics Result
Kinematic Viscosity @ 40ºC 27-33
VI min. 90
Flash Point, ºC min 195

Aqual Quench 2

Aqual Quench 2 Oil is fortified with a special additive, which imparts accelerated characteristics to the oil. The product does not contain any fatty material and is recommended for accelerated quenching of components like high speed tools, ball bearings, nuts, bolts, etc.
Characteristics Result
Kinematic Viscosity @ 40ºC 19-25
VI min. 90
Flash Point, ºC min 175

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