HYDRA 15,22,32,46,57,68,100,150,220,320,460 Industrial Lubricants Performance Level: Meets IS 10522-1983 specification HYDRA oils are designed for use in circulating systems and are made from high viscosity index, chemically stable base stocks which are further fortified with antioxidants, anticorrosion, antiwear and antifoam additives. They meet the requirement of very high pressure systems and also of systems where high pumps speeds are encountered. HYDRA grades posses the following characteristics:
  • Right viscosity to satisfy the demands of the hydraulic pumps & the designed systems.
  • High viscosity index to restrict viscosity changes under operating conditions.
  • Maximum demulsibility to allow entrained water to settle down.
  • Good film strength and antiwear properties to minimize wear.
  • Excellent corrosion resistance.
  • High chemical stability to ensure long and trouble free service life.
Application: These grades are recommended for use in hydraulic systems, enclosed gear boxes, chain drives, compressors, vacuum pump, mining machinery, machine tools. Technical Specifications:
Products Viscosity CST @ 40°c Viscosity index Flash Point Pour Point
22 20-24 90 160 -3
32 23-34 90 190 -3
46 42-50 90 190 -3
57 52-62 90 190 -3
68 62-72 90 210 0
100 90-105 90 210 0
150 140-160 90 210 0
220 210-230 90 230 0
320 310-330 90 250 0
460 450-470 90 260 0

AQUAL Gear 80w-90 and AQUAL Gear 85w-140

AQUAL Gear 80w-90 and AQUAL Gear 85w-140 oils are special multigrade heavy duty gear oils. These oils meets API service classification GL-5 and are ideal for various vehicles operating in areas where ambient temperatures vary. Technical Specifications:
Products Kin. Vis. @100ºC VI Min. Flash Point
Gear80w-90 13-15 90 180
Gear 85w-140 28-32 90 200

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